Manually on Windows 11

This guide will walk You thrugh installing Hugo on a Windows 11 PC. For the official install guide, You can wisit

Download Binaries

The path of least resistance is to just download the .zip file from the official Hugo GitHub Repository here.

The theme that are used, needs the extended version of Hugo, so make sure to download the extended version by ensuring the file name starts with hugo_extended...


After downloading the .zip file, extract the zip-file to c:\Hugo\Bin



Add Hugo to Path

After copying the binaries to Your PC, You will need to add Hugo binaries to the %PATH% system environment variables.

To do that, search for environment


once you see the Edit the system environment variables, open it and select Environment Variables


Once the Environment Variables screen is open, highlight the Path lines and press the Edit... button


Now press New and add the C:\Hugo\Bin to the path. Press OK and OK to save the new Path


Once complete. You should now be able to preview the Hugo site on http://localhost:1313 by opening a command promt, and open the C:\Hugo\Sites\alguidelines folder and execute Hugo Serve
