Spacing Binary Operators
There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as = + - AND OR =. The parameter comma operator however, should have no spaces.
Bad code
"Line Discount %" := "Line Discount Amount"/"Line Value"*100
Good code
"Line Discount %" := "Line Discount Amount" / "Line Value" * 100;
Bad code
StartDate := CALCDATE('<+'+FORMAT(Days + i)+'D>', StartDate);
Good code
StartDate := CALCDATE('<+' + FORMAT(Days + i) + 'D>',StartDate);
Bad code
StartDate := 0D; // Initialize
Good code
StartDate := 0D; // Initialize
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Last modified October 4, 2024: Merge pull request #249 from Busschers/ErrorHandling-ListOfReferenceText (5e76983)
by Arend-Jan Kauffmann